
Part 1 of 2

Welcome to the Ordo Exploratio Omnis Private Members Association (OEO PMA). Join a community dedicated to redefining the digital landscape through CEEC, our pioneering internet navigation tool. OEO PMA combines the precision of modern technology with the values of privacy, mutual respect, and enlightenment, ensuring that each member experiences the internet not just as a tool, but as a journey of continuous discovery and personal growth.

Section 1: Our Vision and Commitment

OEO PMA is not just an association; it’s a movement towards a more enlightened way of interacting with technology. Our mission is to empower members to navigate the web with unprecedented efficiency and insight, guided by principles that respect both individual privacy and collective advancement.

Section 2: Membership Agreement

This document outlines the governance of interactions within the Ordo Exploratio Omnis Private Members Association, known as OEO or The Association. Our platform, CEEC, serves as the backbone of this community, enabling a seamless, intuitive digital experience that is respectful of user autonomy and aligned with our foundational values of universal law and digital sovereignty.

Section 3: Affirmation of Principles

Members of OEO PMA affirm their commitment to uphold the rights of privacy, free expression, and personal engagement with digital content, as facilitated by the revolutionary capabilities of CEEC. This commitment is rooted in a recognition of natural law and a dedication to non-intrusive, supportive community interactions.

Section 4: Membership Integration

Joining OEO means more than signing up; it’s an integration into a community that values efficiency and personal agency in digital exploration. New members are welcomed with full access to CEEC’s capabilities, tailored to enhance each individual’s navigation of the internet.

Section 5: Rights and Responsibilities

Members accept responsibility for their actions within the community, agreeing to engage with the web and fellow members in ways that are respectful, lawful, and in line with the principles of OEO. Our space is one of freedom, supported by the structure and security of CEEC’s innovative technology.

Section 6: Community Conduct

OEO PMA promotes a culture of respect and internal resolution. Conflicts are addressed through dialogue and mediation, reflecting our commitment to maintaining a harmonious community environment

Section 7: Intellectual Property

Members agree to respect and not commercially exploit the intellectual property encountered or created within the community. CEEC supports this principle with features that manage content use and sharing with respect and clarity.

Section 8: Changes and Termination

Membership can be terminated by the member at any point, with OEO PMA reserving the right to update or modify the terms of engagement as the community evolves. Members will be informed of significant changes and their implications for continued participation.

Section 9: Risk and Liability

Engagement with OEO and use of CEEC is at the member’s risk. The Association strives to ensure the platform is secure and the community supportive, but it cannot be held liable for inadvertent data breaches or interpersonal disputes.

Section 10: Dispute Resolution

OEO commits to resolving disputes within the community through internal mechanisms designed to foster understanding and reconciliation, without external intervention.

Section 11: Concluding Affirmation

By joining OEO, members step into a role that transcends traditional web use, embracing a collective journey towards a more insightful and intentional digital experience.​​​

Section 12: Amendments and Updates

The governance and operational framework of OEO PMA are dynamic, evolving with the needs and contributions of our members. Changes are implemented with transparency and are designed to enhance the community’s collective wisdom and functionality.

Section 13: Additional Resources

Members are encouraged to explore detailed documentation on the privacy, autonomy, and rights supported by OEO and implemented through CEEC. These resources offer insights into the legal and ethical foundations of our practices: The Lawful Autonomy and Unalienable Rights Upheld by Private Members Associations, Real-World Flourishing of Private Members Associations under Common and Canon Law

Section 14: Global Engagement

OEO welcomes members globally, with the assurance that participation is governed by universally respected principles that transcend local and national regulations. Engagement through CEEC ensures that every member, regardless of location, experiences the same high standard of digital interaction and community involvement.